United with Ukraine
We are supporting Ukrainian refugees as well as missionaries working in Ukraine.

CECE Primary School in South Sudan
In March 2018 the school was provided with some urgent basic teaching equipment, books and stationaries. In July 2018 we have sponsored 200 school uniforms. During October – November 2019 the school got additional help with some teaching materials for the pre-school and some equipment for other classrooms as well as teachers training. All 220 pupils got individual gifts containing some basic school supplies.
On the 27th November 2019, the grand opening and blessing of the new playground took place. After a year of fundraising and few months of planning and overcoming great difficulties with the African climate and culture, the playground was completed. This was the first time in the history of “Pencils for All” a “big” project like this undertaken and completed. The result is a space in Nimule that provides much needed worry free and peaceful times for the children who are longing for the end of both the civil war and ethnic violence in South Sudan.
In February 2020 – the school football teams, both boys and girls received football kits.
To mark our 10th anniversary jubilee in October 2021, CECE Primary School received 100 new uniforms made by local tailors.
CECE Primary School provides free education to the poorest children, mostly from families affected by AIDS and orphans, whose who otherwise would not have the opportunity to access education. CECE in Madi language of the Madi tribe, who are the majority of population in Nimule means: “slowly” and develops at that paste. The school is still under construction; however, the classes are taking place in the partly finished classrooms.

St. Michael’s Elementary School in Ethiopia.
In 2016 we have sponsored the build of the school toilets and four water tanks.
Next was the installation of a generator so that the school ICT Lab could work. Then in August 2017 a solar panel was installed. Now the children and the teachers at St. Michael’s Elementary School in Ghimbi, western Ethiopia can use computers every day. The school became eco friendly and self – sufficient.

The Salesian Oratory in Bangladesh.
From 2011- 2016, we have regularly supported the Salesian Oratory in Lokhikul Parish in north – west Bangladesh. During that time we had visited Bangladesh three times and sponsored “Shishu Mela” the Children’s Day Celebrations. The Mission was provided with a computer, projector and any other educational resources such as books, balls, tennis rackets, skipping ropes, board games, puzzles, pencils, crayons, note books etc. Bangladesh is a very poor country where many children do not go to school. The Oratory was attended by approximately 600 children participating in different physical and educational activities.

In May 2019 we have sponsored some furniture and classroom equipment for nursery class at the Youth Centre in Joypurhat.
Thanks to our donors and benefactors, we are able to sponsor “big projects” as well as provide help and support in communities based in the following countries- Bangladesh, Ethiopia and South Sudan. We also are able to deliver (in person or by a third party) some educational resources and stationary equipment to all over the world to; care and educational institutions and Catholic missions. We believe that poverty has many different “faces”. Our pencils and crayons are being used by children in many countries within the developing world. In well-developed countries quite often, there is great suffering of spiritual poverty. In those places our pencils/crayons are used by children during catechism lessons.
The list of countries our pencils reached: Albania, Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Iceland, India, Japan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Northern Ireland, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, Uganda, and Vietnam.